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All The Children Of Light

“Look to the horizon and feel the souls of thousands of innocent children waiting for humanity to make a change.”


All the Children of Light is a nonprofit organization formed to provide children living inside Syria with education. It is funded only by individuals and is not associated with any political or religious entity.
The organization headquarters are currently in Colorado.

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All the Children of Light

More than 2 million children are the true victims of a war that destroyed a large region of the eastern Mediterranean. And of those children who lost their homes and many of them lost their parents and sibling, today live in tents throughout the province of Idlib. These children are about to become victims of their current status as many could become targets to be recruited to organizations that could affect the world negatively. It is the challenge of humanity to redirect their future to become builders of their society. Through education, we can change their future and the future of the region.


All the Children of Light is a nonprofit organization that originated in Golden, Colorado and since 2016, has been changing the future of many. In three cities in the Idlib province, Salkin, Dilbia and Harem, All the Children of Light provides housing and education to girls, orphans and children that lost everything a person could loose in life. It provides hope for a different future.


Education is a gift that carries on for generations. We want YOU to be part of it. We differ in that we work directly with the children and their teachers. We risk our lives to cross some of the most dangerous parts of the world to reach to those kids and ensure that any gift that has been given reaches the child it is intended to reach. We see the joy in their eyes and we see a the possibility for a different future. We see what humanity should be about. We want you to see it too and be part of something precious.


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